Monday, January 12, 2009

French government musical chairs to help Minister of Immigration "change his image"

I'm afraid I have been very lazy with new blogs lately, but I've been extremely busy with "life", particularly fighting against the pig-headed immigration policies of the EU (France and Italy in particular) to allow my wife to stay and work here.

However, two days ago this article came out on, regarding the reshuffling of the French government: Nicolas Sarkozy s'apprête à un remaniement politique du gouvernement

Mighty Sarkozy I, new Emperor of Gaul, is reshuffling his cabinet, and particularly he is removing the dreaded Monsieur Brice Hortefeux, Minister of Immigration, of Integration and of National Identity (!) and reassigning him as Minister of Labor. Monsieur Hortefeux has been Sarkozy I's pitbull for 30 years. In France he is known as "Sarkozy's gun carrier". Nice. Why is he being reassigned? Because he did a lousy job? Because he is a Nazi-looking xenophobe? Because he made it his policy to expel and deport 50.000 (!) immigrants in 2 years, with fixed quotas of 25.000 a year (doesn't matter who, just as long as the target is reached)? Because he ran a network of detention centers for immigrants were people died by suicide, rioting, or burning to death? No, Monsieur Hortefeux, bless him, was reassigned because Sarkozy I felt that Monsieur Hortefeux needed "a change of image". A change of image for God's sake! That's the French government priority. Poor Monsieur Hortefeux, who ended up looking bad in the eyes of the French and of the World by ruining the life of 50.000 people that have nowhere to go, probably face a lynching back home. Poor Monsieur Hortefeux. Let's all take a moment and join in his grief and sorrow. I really do hope that he will recover quickly from his tarnished image, and the immense pain he must have suffered while compassionately booting people out of Europe. Let's do take that moment now...

Monsieur Brice Hortefeux reached his career pinnacle with the Ministry of of Immigration, of Integration and of National Identity (!). When he retires and looks back on his achievements, he can proudly say he freed France from 50.000 parasites. The ones that were lucky enough to stay had to "integrate". and "identify" with the "values of the République Française". They can't be African anymore, nor Asian. They can't be black or Arabs. They can't be Muslims or Buddhist. No more crosses, no more head scarves, no more nothing. Just the Marianne, the French flag and Napoleon. And de Gaulle, it's thanks to him that French people are now free to boot the unwelcome. Because they are free. We live in a free world, and we love it.

And what of me and my family? Well, thanks to Monsieur Hortefeux, who preached, along with Sarkozy I, a "chosen immigration", taking in only qualified and highly skilled people, my wife, an IT engineer, found no job in France for over 2 years. Neither did I, and I am French, but with the wrong last name. Then we moved to Italy and both found jobs within 2 weeks of our move. That doesn't mean Signor Maroni, Minister of Interior for the racist party "Lega Nord" is any better, but that's another story for another day. In any case, France's policy of "immigration choisie" has resulted in an IT engineer lost, a skilled musicologist lost, both with Master's Degrees and fully equipped to help make France a richer country. It's not going to happen. I would rather lose an arm than pay a single tax penny to these Animal Farm pigs. Like Orwell said... all animals are created equal, but some are just more equal than others. And somehow, it's always the pigs.

Meanwhile, let's all wish Monsieur Hortefeux a prosperous career as Minister of Labor. Let's see if now he can ruin the life of 50.000 French as well. Say it with me...

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